How to Use EncodePlus with the Manhattan Development Code
EncodePlus bring the Manhattan Development Code into the 21st Century
The city wanted to modernize its zoning and subdivision regulations to use best practices to regulate new development and redevelopment of sites in Manhattan and make it easier to use the Manhattan Development Code. One way we hope makes the new development code easier to use is by having the regulations live online, which allows any user to quickly navigate through the various sections of the code, simply find development definitions, and have tools to determine what regulations will apply and to help calculate some requirements, such as minimum off-street parking to provide or a maximum size of sign allowed for a building or use.
Kendig Keast Collaborative’s EncodePlus website is where the development code is located. To help you use this new website to find and apply these regulations, we have created this quick instructional video. Please note, some of the tools and functions are not quite ready yet, but most of the site for the MDC is up and going. Future instructional videos will be created on tools that are not fully functional yet.
If you have any questions about EncodePlus or the MDC, please feel free to use the Q & A tool here on or contact the Community Development Department.