Welcome to the Manhattan Development Code
We Are Pleased To Introduce The Manhattan Development Code
The Manhattan Development Code (MDC), formerly known as the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is drafted and is ready for community review. This project originally began in 2017 when the City contracted with Kending Keast Collaborative to review the current development regulations and draft a modern development code that combines the City’s zoning and subdivision regulations. The project was originally called the Unified Development Ordinance because it unified two separate sets of regulations (Manhattan Zoning Regulations and the Manhattan Urban Area Subdivision Regulations) into one document. Since the beginning of the project, its name has evolved to the Manhattan Development Code, which is to convey the set of requirements and procedures that regulate development in our community. We in the Community Development Department recognize that this has been a drawn-out project and that people may have forgotten its purpose and elements of the draft regulations presented some time ago. To re-orient you to the Manhattan Development Code (MDC), we invite you to watch this brief introductory video.
What Are Development Regulations And Why Are They Important?
We realize that most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about zoning and subdivision regulations, or how these requirements shape our neighborhoods, where we work, shop, and play, or how we get to and from these places by car, bus, bike, or walking. However, these regulations play a significant part in our daily lives. Our friends at Phoenix, Arizona’s Community and Economic Development Department have created an amazing Zoning 101 video that explains the nuts and bolts of these development regulations – you should check it out!
Come Back To Stay Informed
The Community Development Department is committed to providing as much information about this draft of the Manhattan Development Code (MDC) as possible to keep you informed of the proposed regulation and procedure and the next steps in the review and adoption process. Over the next several months, staff will be provided news feeds and videos of the different articles of the MDC to give you an overview of those individual sections. Please come back to www.EngageMHK.com for more information. The next installment will be about Articles 1 - 3 of the draft development code.